During the summer months, drivers are more likely to experience the below heat-related illnesses because of exposure to abnormal or prolonged amounts of heat and humidity without relief or adequate fluid intake.
Heat Cramps are muscle spasms caused by a large loss of salt and water in the body.
Symptoms include heavy sweating with muscle pain and spasms.
If you feel heat cramps coming on, seek out a cool place and hydrate. If you have a heart condition or cramps that last longer than one hour, get medical attention.
Heat Exhaustion is a more severe condition than heat cramps.
It includes heat cramps as well as a fast or weak pulse, nausea or vomiting, cold or pale skin, fatigue and dizziness.
As with heat cramps, find a cool place, hydrate slowly, loosen tight clothing, and use wet cloths and fans to cool down. Get medical attention if vomiting occurs, confusion develops, symptoms last longer than an hour or they get worse.
Heat Stroke is a deadly heat illness that requires emergency medical assistance.
Symptoms include a body temperature of 104 degrees or higher, a fast, strong pulse, dizziness or headache, hot or red skin, nausea, confusion or fainting.
If you suspect heat stroke, call 911 right away and then administer the same treatments as heat exhaustion. However, do not drink any fluids.
Drivers should make sure they are familiar with the three heat-related illnesses and how to combat them by logging into Luma Brighter Learning and taking an eNugget® on the topic.