Safety Training
- LUMA Learning trains truck drivers and warehouse employees with more than interactive, online and in-cab courses.
- CPC utilizes LUMA which is an online training program for a variety of training needs.
- Each new hire driver is required to complete a defined number of modules that are assigned to them the first week of their training.
- If a driver has an accident, afterwards the driver is required to take a module that pertains to that specific accident.
- Anytime a manager feels a driver needs a review of certain procedures they are required to take a module assigned by the manager.
Training-Smith System
- CPC utilizes Smith System® training extensively for its drivers. Smith System® is the gold standard in driver training, utilizing the 5 Keys to Safe Driving.
Training-Alert Driving
- Established in 1998, AlertDriving pioneered web-based driver risk management. Today their driver risk management platform – FleetDefenseSM – has helped clients significantly reduce their collisions, injuries, costs and liability exposure. FleetDefenseSM is a single-source, state-of-the-art, customizable, web-based, driver risk identification, mitigation and monitoring solution. Currently it’s available in 45 countries and 55 languages and by 2013 the objective is to establish FleetDefenseSM in 70 countries.
- The drivers must obtain 100% competency in this module, if 100% is not obtained the driver has to retake the module, if on the second attempt the driver still does not show 100% competency they are required to have a one on one review of the polices with the onsite supervisor.
- The second module is a hazardous perception survey, this module test their abilities to react under certain situations. After the driver completes this module Alert Driving analyzes their performance and then assigns other modules, if needed, based on the drivers performance.
- CPC requires the drivers to do at least 2 modules per year.