In July 2024, CPC Logistics Canada Business Development Manager Leanne Drummond was elected as chair of the Private Motor Truck Council of Canada (PMTC) Board of Directors, making her the first woman in the organization’s history to hold the position.

Leanne has been involved with the PMTC since 2019. She was a member of the Young Leaders Group from 2019-2024, including two years as chairperson. She has been a part of the PMTC Board of Directors since 2020, serving as its 2nd Vice Chair in 2022 and 1st Vice Chair in 2023. She will hold the chair position for two years.
Read the Q&A below to learn about what this honor means to Leanne, the goals she hopes to accomplish during her term and more.
Q: What are your responsibilities as chair of the PMTC board?
Leanne: I am responsible for leading and managing the activities of the board. I preside over our meetings, ensure adherence to our bylaws, develop strategic direction, and vote in key decision making for the association. One of our most important functions is to ensure that private fleet views, interests, and rights are represented in communication with government. It is critical that I stay current with items of potential impact on private fleet operations. One of my goals is to ensure that all PMTC fleet members are getting as much value as possible from their membership. I want to help them take advantage of all the awards, scholarships, educational, and networking opportunities we offer. Membership growth is always key so that we can serve as a resource for more private fleets.
Q: How do you hope to achieve these goals?
Leanne: Lots of regulatory reading and networking. I am in the process of learning more about what is most important to our members to determine which initiatives deserve primary focus over the next two years. Regarding new members, the PMTC has been growing steadily, and we have taken important steps to ensure that continues across Canada. For example, we recently hired a team member to represent and support new and current members in Canada’s westernmost provinces.
Q: What makes you uniquely qualified for this position?
Leanne: First and foremost, I think it is the love I have for the transportation and logistics industry. I have been immersed in it since I first started working with my family’s business when I was 16 years old. Also, I deeply appreciate and truly believe in the goals of the PMTC. I’ve taken full advantage of every opportunity the organization offers, from continuing education and networking to awards such as the PMTC Young Leaders Education Bursary Award. Because of the rewards I have received from my involvement in the PMTC, I have become a more knowledgeable and skilled professional capable of inciting positive change within the industry. Now I am in the position to help others get everything they can out of the PMTC.
Q: What if any challenges do you anticipate during your term?
Leanne: If the COVID-19 pandemic taught us anything, it is that you always must be ready to adapt to new and unexpected situations. It is great to have a strategic plan in place, but when a regulatory change, economic issue or environmental disaster occurs, you need to be prepared to pivot. We are fortunate to have an excellent board of directors and strong membership, so I am confident we will be able to respond to any challenges that may arise.
Q: What does becoming chair of the PMTC board mean to you?
Leanne: Being recognized for something I truly love doing and have put a lot of time and energy into is very rewarding. I don’t need accolades to fuel my passion for what I do, but it is truly heartwarming that people in the industry are taking notice of my work and supporting me in this role.
Q: What is it like to be the first woman to hold this position?
Leanne: Honestly, I am surprised that I am the first. I have never felt any division by gender in the PMTC. While we are still an industry that is predominantly male in numbers, I have always felt welcome, respected and valued for my work here.
Q: Do you have any advice for women who are interested in a career in transportation and logistics or are just starting out?
Leanne: First and foremost, you must find an employer that is supportive of your growth. That can sometimes be difficult to identify starting out, but you can reach out to me. In 2022, I developed and launched a mentorship program in conjunction with the Young Leaders Group that connects students and recent graduates from the logistics and supply chain program at Mohawk College in Hamilton, Ontario. The goal was to help establish pathways and provide support for people interested in careers in transportation and logistics. It was very rewarding to connect students with employers to ensure that they had successful starts to their careers in transportation. I am always happy to have conversations and make connections.
Also, consider joining the PMTC and the Young Leaders Group. It can be intimidating to attend a conference or other industry event at the beginning of your career, especially if you are a woman or work with a company that is not well-known. Being a part of the PMTC and the Young Leaders Group means you will always have friends at these events who can help you grow your network by introducing you to their connections.
Overall, I hope other women look at my path and see that if they are passionate about the industry, chase opportunities, and are fully engaged, they can go far.
Q: Who has been integral to your professional success?
Leanne: I couldn’t begin to list the many names of people who have supported me in my career out of fear that I’d miss someone. I have been very fortunate to have a seemingly endless network of exceptional people that I have met throughout my career.
My employer, CPC Logistics Canada, has given me all the room and support to chase the items that I am most passionate about in the industry. It makes my job very fulfilling and loaded with growth. Within the PMTC, I have always felt valued for who I am professionally as well as personally. It’s been a safe space for me to be my most authentic self, which is what has made it possible for me to find myself now in the chair seat of this incredible association.