CPC Logistics Division Manager Leslie Gomez recently earned her Bachelor of Science in Business with a Human Resource Management Certificate from the University of Phoenix.

Leslie’s educational journey began more than two decades ago. After graduating high school, she enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program in 1999 but working to support herself and her family took precedence. In 2019 she decided to try again.
“One of my mentors once told me that a college degree shows commitment and dedication,” Leslie said. “That stuck with me, and even though I knew it would be hard to be a full-time student, employee and mom, I decided to finish what I started.”
Leslie also wanted to set an example for her two daughters. She strongly encouraged both to attend college but knew her actions would speak louder than her words.
“I was pushing my daughters to do what I never did, and they helped me realize that I needed to practice what I was preaching,” Leslie said.
Leslie sacrificed many nights and weekends completing the required 120 credit hours. Her determination to succeed and strong support network kept her going, especially her daughters, who became her biggest “cheerleaders.”
“Ashley was always in the back of my mind saying, ‘Don’t give up,’” Leslie said. “If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish this achievement.”
Ashley is currently pursuing two bachelor’s degrees in nursing and kinesiology at California State Polytechnic University Pomona while working part-time. While Ashley inspired Leslie to return to school, Leslie’s dedication to her role at CPC has taught Ashley valuable lessons, too.
“A driver can call me anytime—day or night—and I will answer,” Leslie said. “It does not matter if I am at the office or the gym. If we need to fill a driving position for a customer, I will do whatever it takes.”
CPC Logistics President John Bickel Jr. attests to Leslie’s work ethic.
“Leslie has infectious determination and puts forth her best effort at work every day,” John said. “I have no doubt that this achievement will be beneficial for both Leslie and our company. I extend my warm congratulations to Leslie.”
Leslie did not allow her studies to interfere with her work. However, her fellow CPC employees were always ready to lend a hand if needed.
“The work-life balance at CPC made it possible to do everything I needed to do,” Leslie said. “I have always felt supported at CPC. I had heart surgery twice, and CPC has taken care of me through it all.”
Leslie joined CPC as a recruiter in 2014. Over the last 10 years, she has worked her way up to becoming the company’s first female division manager. Based in Rancho Cucamonga, California, she currently leads western branches in California, Arizona, Colorado and more, managing day-to-day operations while also recruiting and retaining truck drivers.
“I’m all about CPC and will do anything I can to help the company,” Leslie said. “Now I’ll able to invest more in CPC with my degree.”
The degree program has taught Leslie a variety of communication, problem solving and leadership skills that she has already started to apply to her role at CPC.
“I am thinking more strategically about how we can improve the driver recruitment process and ways to motivate them and ensure they stay with us,” Leslie said.
Leslie advises other adults who are considering going back to school or enrolling for the first time to lean on their family, friends and co-workers.
“You’re never too old to accomplish something as long as you put your mind to it,” Leslie said.
With her degree in hand, Leslie is looking forward to having more time for personal pursuits like running and traveling. She hopes to take her daughters to Hawaii next year.
“This degree was for my children as much as it was for me,” Leslie said. “If not for their support, I never would have been able to finish it.”