It’s essential to take each task individually in poor weather conditions. Visibility and vehicle traction are reduced. Even your hearing and mobility could be affected as you layer on hats, gloves and jackets. Focus on each task because it will be slightly different.
Anticipate and Adjust
Even if the road is clear and the sky is sunny when you leave, this can change in the blink of an eye during the winter months, and you must be ready. Part of getting ready is preparing yourself mentally and physically. If you live or drive in North America, you’ll see bad weather.
As cars slow due to weather, maintain your following distance and your space cushion around you. Many people need to pay more attention to weather changes. Don’t get caught off guard. Add a second to your following distance in bad weather. You may want to wear your snow and ice cleats and carry sand containers at delivery locations to prevent slips and falls and eliminate those slick spots in your working area.
Let us know if locations aren’t clearing lots adequately. Ensure maintenance knows about defects that must be addressed before the truck goes out again. And if the weather gets so bad that you need to shut it down, please let your dispatcher know immediately. Others may be coming your way.
We don’t know what this season will bring, but if we commit to safety, protect ourselves from what winter throws our way, and take care of the things we can control, we will all be doing our part to make safety a CPC fact.